
Ready to enhance your video content and your apps?

Dive into our tutorial on adding speaker info to videos and categories of interviews, lectures, religious ceremonies and more.

Elevate your viewer experience with these step-by-step instructions.

Bamboo Pro Tip- Adding speakers to your account is mostly used for the Bamboo Apps!

And less on the Bamboo sites.

  1. Enable the "Speakers" option on your Bamboo account
  2. Add Speakers as users
  3. Add Speakers to your videos
  4. Add Speakers to your categories
  5. Where do I see it on my app?

Enable the "Speakers" option on your Bamboo account

In order to have the option to add Speakers to your videos and categories on Bamboo, you need to first enable this option on your "Settings" page.

Go to the menu, find the Settings page, and under "My media fields" enable "Show speakers".

Enable speakers on the Settings page

After enabling "Show Speaker", refresh the screen.

Add Speakers as users

In order to show speakers, you first need to add them to your account.

  1. Go to the Users module and press the green "New user" button.

When adding a new user you will need to insert their email address, name and password.

For the role, choose "Contributor".

Bamboo Pro Tip: If you don't really need the speakers to use the system themselves and login.

When adding a new user for them, you can choose a fictive email, like- "speakername@youraccount.com".

Adding a new user to your account
  1. After adding the new speaker, press his email on the users list, in order to edit his additional details.

Important! Make sure to change the speaker's type from "User" to "Speaker".

Bamboo Pro Tip- You can also choose the types "Cast" or "Artist" if it's more relevant to your account, everything will work the same. The only difference will show on the titles on the app.

For each speaker you can also add a profile image, and short and long descriptions (User short bio /User bio).

Bamboo Pro Tip- If you don't have the image URL and you need some help adding images, just contact us, we would love to help.

Filling up the Speaker's info

Add Speakers to your videos

In order to add a speaker to your videos-

  1. Go to the Media module - Media tab
  2. Find the video you want to use and simply press the video, and scroll down in its "Info" tab, until you get to the "Speaker" field.
Adding a speaker to a video
  1. When you get to the "Speaker" field, you can simply choose between any of the speakers that have been added to your account, by pressing the field or starting to type the name of the speaker.

Bamboo Pro Tip- You can choose multiple speaker for each video.

Choosing speakers

Add Speakers to your categories

In order to add speakers to your categories:

  1. Go the the Media Module
  2. Press the top green arrow, to open your categories tree
  3. Choose the relevant category from the list, and press the edit button (pencil button), next to the category's name.
  4. Scroll down the category menu until you get to the "Speakers" field.
"Edit category" menu
  1. Choose between any of the speakers that have been added to your account, by pressing the field or starting to type the name of the speaker.

Bamboo Pro Tip- You can choose multiple speaker for each category.

2nd Bamboo Pro Tip- If you forgot to open a user for the speaker you want to use, there is also an option to add a new user directly from the category's edit menu.

Simply press the (+) button next to word Speakers.

You can later go to the Users module to edit this speaker's info.

Where do I see it on my app?

There are few options that allow us to see the speakers we add on our app.

Play Page

After adding a speaker to your video, you will see the speaker's image and short description under the video description on the play page.


There is an option to add a lint with all your speakers to the homepage.

Speaker page

Pressing a speaker on the homepage or the play page, will take the user to speaker page.

The speaker page has the speaker's image, full name and long description.

Under it there is an horizontal line with all the speaker's categories, and a vertical line with all the speaker's videos.

Speaker page
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