Marketing emails

How to customize your emails

Start customizing your emails on the “ marketing” module.

Start by changing the email variables- Sender name, sender email, and etc.

At the end of the variables list, there are also the email subjects for the 3 different email types:

Under the “Email variables” section, you can find the “Email settings”.
Here you can choose which types of emails you want your users to get, and you want to get yourself as well.
We have emails for purchases, registration, and an event reminder.
The event reminder will send an email to all the users on your account before a live stream begins, based on its start date and time.
On the top right side, you can see the actual text that will appear in the emails.
You can edit it, using the tokens you filled in the “Email variables” section, or even copy a full-designed HTML email.
After you finish, you can send yourself a test email to see how it looks.

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